It's that time of the year where we are mixed with thoughts of making memories with loved ones, remembering the birth of Jesus, and the not-so-fun shopping spree many do each year. I was feeling a bit down since we couldn't buy anything yet to put under the tree. My husband hasn't had much work this season since most people don't want any driveways so close to the holidays. I'm searching for work at home as I write this. It has officially been one year since we began living on our own land.
This year has been rough to sum it up. Between trying to live a simple life in a chaotic, but beautiful world and making lasting memories with our boys, it's been crazy. Crazy, but no regrets.
However, we haven't lost the real meaning of Christmas, which is Jesus. As a family, we've been focusing more on God and our spiritual relationship. I've been slowly teaching my sons about the birth of Jesus as we near the date. It's difficult not to worry. We are human. We are parents and parents ALWAYS worry.
With that said, something incredible happened out of the blue!
My lovely neighbor did a random act of kindness for my family and gifted us a very thoughtful compilation of gifts. I was shocked and did not know what to say. All I could screech out, as she gave us the tree and wrapping paper, was "oh my gosh, thank you so much you didn't have to." After putting it inside, I went back out to tell her we did not even buy wrapping paper yet, so it was amazing she did that for us. She then surprised us with two large bags of new toys for our boys! I gasped, literally.
I remembered the Bible app I have on my phone had literally said to not worry about wealth, because having faith in God will give us the things we need in this life. I read this to my little family during our learning time. Then this happened.
Coincidence? ๐ค
I think not. ๐
Yes, we still talk about Santa even though we mainly talk about Jesus for the season. Our kids have a HUGE imagination and I love to see their smiling faces. Our oldest son did not see the contents of the mystery bags, but he knew it was toys since he overheard. I simply told him Santa gave her the bags of toys to give to us and she gave us the tree & wrapping paper. He was ecstatic and said "yay!" I then reminded him of the Bible lesson from the app and told him, "God blessed us, didn't he?"
This act of kindness also reminded me to pass on more acts of kindness to others. It will be a little random, because we won't know which act we will do on that day. All that matters is that we help someone else, because we never know what others are going through. Hopefully we can do this all year long and not just during the holidays. Our children will greatly benefit from practicing compassion as well as the beautiful souls on the receiving end.
If you want to know what we plan to do to pass it on, then watch for the next post! I'll share it in the group when it's ready.