Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Mommy Stash

Do you have a Mommy (or a Daddy) stash anywhere at home? Yeah, you know I'm taking about snacks! What did you think this post was about? Lol! 😂

Responsibilities Equal One Tired Mama

I used to feel very guilty for hiding chocolate and other sweets from the kids, but not anymore. Sometimes we need that "pick me up" throughout the day, especially when you have tons of responsibilities!

My first resposibility is motherhood. Home educating is the second and the third is taking care of our home. The fourth is searching for writing gigs that will pay the bills. Yes, I do consider all of these responsibilities as jobs. Then, I have to fit some well deserved "me-time" somewhere in there (it's always random). I'm definitely not complaining. I love my kids & husband and enjoy their company! This is where my Mommy Stash comes in! Hehehe...

What does my Mommy Stash currently have?

Oreos and dark mint chocolate! Shhh... 🤫

What??? I like chocolate! 😁

My pick-me-up stash changes depending on my mood each food shopping trip. I may get an almond milk frappuccino pre-made in the bottle next. Perhaps I should just do tea? Coffee gives me too much of a sugar rush sometimes. What do you think? It might be a good idea to re-think my choices and lean more towards the healthier side of life. Decisions, decisions!

Don't Forget To Share Sometimes

Although I hide my sweets, I do share with the kids (unless it's coffee. They're too young for that, lol! Gosh, I feel like I'm hiding wine 😅 ). 
I really do share with them, especially if they find it. I'm not stingy, haha! It's just better to keep it all hidden so it doesn't randomly go bye-bye in one day. Yes, that has happened before between the kiddos and their Daddy. At least the oldest apologized. I think he knows about my little secret caffeine stash... 

Where To Hide The Stash

Last, but not least... Dun, dun, duuuun! Where in the world do I keep this wonderful treasure of mine? The clean clothes!

Don't worry, they come in tiny single packs so I don't have to worry about critters stealing my treasure. Haha, but yes I did say the clothes! It's the perfect hiding spot, in my situation, since my household consists of people who want nothing to do with laundry (unless they're wearing it! 😂 ). Just don't tell anyone to go get your socks! Lol

Now that y'all know all about my Mommy stash, let me know if you have a secret stash somewhere and what it is! I'm suspiciously curious. 😉

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